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Working with ACCT

Wisconsin technical colleges took an early interest in ACCT with all of the colleges serving as members by the early 1980’s.  The Boards Association assumed a leadership role in organizing and coordinating participation in the national legislative seminar.  The Washington legislative seminar created the opportunity for VTAE board members and district directors to meet with members of Congress and the Senate in their offices, and to become familiar with federal legislation affecting the colleges.

In the mid-1980’s, the Boards Association invited members of the state board and state staff to participate in the Washington conference.  This brought the Wisconsin team together to address federal issues affecting the local colleges.

In 1983, the Fox Valley board nominated Harland Kirchner as a candidate to the ACCT board of directors.  The Boards Association endorsed this nomination and committed its resources and members to campaign for the candidate.  Kirchner was a formidable candidate.  He was a charter member of the Fox Valley VTAE district board appointed in 1967.  He was a leader in the organization of the Wisconsin District Boards Association serving as vice president 1971-73 and president 1973-75.  He also served as mayor of Clintonville and was a successful businessman.  Kirchner was elected to two terms on the ACCT board.  In 1987, he was selected by the ACCT board and members of ACCT to receive the national association’s most distinguished award, the M. Dale Ensign Trustee Award.

The executive secretary/executive director also became an active participant in the ACCT affiliate organization, the National Council of State Association Chief Executives (NCSACE).  Earl Mihlbauer served as vice president and president of the organization during the 1988-1990 period.

Active participation in ACCT brought opportunities to interact with trustees from other states and Canadian provinces which, in turn, brought respect and visibility to the District Boards Association and the Wisconsin VTAE system.

Ten Years Gone By

The maturing years saw dramatic changes in the Association.  Earl Mihlbauer became the first full-time executive secretary of the Association, followed later with a move of the Association’s office to 22 North Carroll Street, and the addition of Tama Meili to the staff.  Legislative matters became a top agenda item including the formation of coalitions in support of vocational-technical education in Wisconsin and in Washington through the ACCT legislative seminar.